He Couldn't hack it as a drug- sniffing dog. Now he's ecology's best friend

A chesapeake Bay retriever , sniff out the scat or poop of elusive wild animals like jaguar and oncillas in the name of conservation. 

It might be sound like unsavoury task. but these scat samples are goldmines for researchers like train owner.

Dematteo and a research team in Argentina are trying to spot the habitats of imperial animals, but its hard to notice where they live if you can't find the animals themselves.

On that where train comes in,


Train was too hyper to make it as a drug

Train was originally a rescue dog from the human society. he first entered program to train drug detection dogs, but it didn't work out.

"He failed out of sedative school because he was too energetic." Dematteo says "He was like bull in a China closet"

His high energy may have obstruct him in sedative school, but it was welcome traits in Argentina. Train covered about 1000 kilometres of Argentinian forest in search of animal droppings

But his energy is perfect for searching acres of land

Dematteo's team uses dogs to confirm the location  of multi species corridors pathway through developed areas that allow wild animals to travel between wilderness habitats.

After 10 years in the field, trainers snout is flecked with gray. he's likely seen Argentina for the last time.

Even though train is nearing 12 years old, he shows no sign of stopping. He's headed nebraska later this year to track mountain lions

Sometimes the researchers will wake up after trekking long distances and wish for a day off. but they have to keep up the train, who always wakes up ready to go.

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